


Orthodontics is a field of dental medicine which deals with correcting of position and relationship of teeth and upper and lower jaw. The proper position of jaws, same as proper relationship between upper and lower jaws provides us with evenly transmission of masticate force, thereby preserving supporting tissue of the teeth and the teeth themselves from overloading, excessive deterioration and to reduce, or completely eliminate problem with the joints.

            There is no age limit for orthodontic treatment and wearing fixed orthodontic appliances

The first review should be up to the seventh year due to the possible disruption of the growth and development of the jaws, teeth eruption, premature loss of deciduous teeth.


Mobile orthodontic appliances


- Can be monomaxillary (active board) for one jaw or bimaxillary (activator and bionator) for both jaws.

Mobile orthodontic therapy generally is the first phase of therapy, which starts at an early age, when we start with correcting the position of the jaw. After that, the second stage is to set fixed appliance that corrects the position of the teeth and finish treatment.

Mobile devices can not properly correct heavily rotated or tilted teeth and teeth that have sprung up in the wrong place. Patients can put mobile appliances in and out of the mouth. For the success of therapy it is extremely important that the patient use mobile appliance 14 to 16 hours a day.


Fixed orthodontic appliances



Consists of brackets fixed to the teeth, rings or vial is put on the molar with metal wires that gently move teeth in wanted direction.

Brackets can be:

  • Conventional -  are connected to the wire by means of elastic or wire ties
  • Self-ligating – which have had a built-in mechanism (door) which holds the wire in brackets.

Self-ligating is easier to maintain hygiene, better and faster treatment due to lower resistance that occurs between the wire and bracket.

Because of their mechanical properties, these braces reduce the number of office visits and shorten the overall duration of therapy.

In our practice we use cutting-edge technologies DAMON an In-Ovation systems.

Except these basic divisions of conventional and self-ligating braces, there is also a division in the metal and aesthetic brackets (ceramic and plastic).

Fixed appliance on the teeth sets exclusively specialist orthodontist and can not be taken off by the patient.




After active orthodontic treatment, ie after removing the fixed appliance, you should carry retention devices. The purpose of these devices is to keep your teeth in the resulting position until growth is complete. During orthodontic movement reabsorbed by the thin layer of bone structure whose role is to stabilize the teeth in the bone bed – the alveoli.

After removing appliances bone re-creates it self, the stabilization process takes about a year.

Retention can be fixed and mobile


Mobile retainers are mobile plates for upper and lower jaw or retainers that are completely transparent.

Fixed retainers are wires  bonded to the inner surface of the upper and lower front teeth.

The best combination is, in which you have a mobile and fixed retainer, because the teeth are living tissue and move the whole life, especially the first 12 months after removal of the appliance.

            After removing the appliance you should care about your teeth and results of therapy. If you fail to follow instructions on retention, recurrence is very likely.



You should  brush your teeth after every meal.

            Teeth that have locks are harder to clean up and increase retention of food which leads to tooth decay and gingivitis. If you see blood when brushing, it means that the gums are sore and that you should brush even harder. Brushing should be regularly and efficiently.To clean hard to reach places, you can use special orthodontic toothbrushes, dental showers and mouthwash.